Warranty Information

Permatron takes pride in the quality and workmanship of our products. All air filters are built to give years of trouble-free service. Any filter found to be defective in workmanship or materials, will be repaired or replaced without charge, shipping charges prepaid. All returned filters MUST be clean or warranty rework and/or replacement will not be applied. Our Permatron product warranty period begins from the date of purchase and does not cover damage caused by excessive heat, disassemble, rough handling, or improper installation. DO NOT take the unit apart for cleaning, as this is unnecessary. With proper care and regular cleaning, your Permatron filter should last many years. Permatron Corporation makes no medical or health claims other than that the filter will effectively remove particles from the air.

Please note, returned items needing to be reworked must be clean before returning to our facility or we will not be able to rework them.  We will no longer repair or inspect dirty air filters.

Permatron’s goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality product that will exceed expectations for craftsmanship and longevity. In order to achieve this, we recommend keeping rigid framed filter sizes below 1,000 square inches total and dimensions 60 inch and under. If an application requires a larger filter, this sizing can be achieved with multiple-filter solutions (cut the size in half and use two air filters side-by-side in place of an over-sized one), creating a more robust solution for our partners. Limiting filter sizes allows Permatron to offer the best warranty in our industry, by reducing premature failure modes.

Rigid frame filters >1000 sq inch total or dimensions over 60 inches are not covered under warranty; signed waiver required; must ship LTL

Permatron rigid framed air filters over 1,000 square inches total or dimensions over 60 inches are not eligible for our warranty due to potential:

  • Damage in the shipping process
  • Damage when handling to install filters
  • Damage during usage and cleaning process

Commercial Air Filters – 5 Year Manufacturer’s Defect Warranty

  • Model IN
  • Model HFA
  • Metal Mesh
  • PreVent® Models U, R, BHA, Diffuser, Fan Guard, Bonnet

Residential Air Filters – Lifetime Manufacturer’s Defect Warranty

  • DustEater® DE/EF
  • LifeStyle® Plus MF/LR
  • Contractors Choice
  • DustPlus® (permanent parts only, afterfilter is disposable)
  • Electronic Air Cleaner Upgrade Kit (prefilter only, afterfilter is disposable)

Homeowners: How to make a warranty claim

As a reminder, warranty returns only cover manufacturing defects.  Take a photograph of your filter clearly showing the defective area and email it to orders@permatron.com, using HOMEOWNER WARRANTY CLAIM in the subject line. Customer service will respond to your request promptly.

Valid manufacturer’s defect claims will receive a RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER from Permatron Corporation to include on future correspondence.  A replacement filter will be shipped to you after you supply the following information:  A photo of the product label, showing model and size.  Include your shipping address and credit card information for payment of the $29.95 shipping fee.

  • Several of our large commercial buildings in Atlanta have purchased the PreVent filtering product for their cooling towers. The benefits of being able to get through our spring season without much intrusion into the building owners equipment has been successful. The product was easy to install and has been simple for the customers to maintain. We are excited to have this product in our line of filtration options.

    Joey ChapmanAir Filter Sales and Service, Inc.
  • The R2 filters I have sold have worked very well. They do as advertised, by keeping the inside of our air compressors clean. No customer complaints after the sale and no problems with the construction of the washable filters. Your delivery times are fast and your customer service agents are a pleasure to work with. I look forward in continuing our business relationship with Permatron in 2013 and thank you for all of the continued support that we receive in making our compressors work better.

    John JarrattAir Compressor Energy Systems, Louisiana
  • I attached a couple of photos of the completed PreVent Screens installed on Trane rooftop units. They fit very well to our dimensions and look good also. Your folks did a good job on matching all of our requested dimensions. I will keep you guys in our contact list as I can see several applications for your product that would be beneficial & it is another product we can offer to our customers.

    Harold ImmekusAllied Mechanical Services, Kalamazoo, MI


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