Permatron announced a new, animated cartoon that showcases their PreVent Equipment Protection Filters. The video, “Chill Out With Marty the Maintenance Man” is available on YouTube at
PreVent® air intake filters provide the first line of defense in preventing debris from entering the air cooling system and insulating coils, electronics and other sensitive components. Airborne debris, such as cottonwood, can clog air intakes, reducing air flow by as much as 50% or more, and ultimately cause system failure. A proactive approach to equipment maintenance helps deliver consistent high level performance and minimize downtime. PreVent filters are made of permanent, washable black polypropylene with UV protection. Installation requires no system modifications or electrical hookups. Custom made to exact air intake dimensions with either a flexible vinyl or rigid steel frame, PreVent filter is easily mounted using a variety of unique attachments. Staff can quickly clean the filter with a broom or vacuum, instead of harsh, messy chemical cleanings or hand brushing needed to clean fins and coils.